Spiritual Life Coach

Meet Travis.

His Journey
I started my Purpose in a Place where most young GameChangers usually are: Confused, Inspired and not knowing where to start next. Fresh out of High school, I decided that fashion may become my "breakthrough". Since my mind was on the "idealistic" material lifestyle that every young person looked for: Lots of Money and Rags to Riches story.
Grateful for a nest egg that was saved for me over time to pursue the journey of College, that I was 99.9% determined I was not going to pursue. I promised my family and myself, in the end, it'll all be worth it. Excitement ran through my veins! Business name done, LLC created, and we are off to the races. Still, something felt disconnected. One month until the launch of the Online Store and the press release event right around the corner, something left a feeling of unalignment...
Stressed and pressure. The only thought processes that were coinhabiting in my brain at the time. Of course, scared of what if this "breakthrough" was not the breakthrough my soul desired. An inner desire to help others inflamed within me. Almost out of nowhere. Not knowing what this would lead or even mean to a 20-year-old at the time. I decided and confirmed that this is what I wanted to embody for the rest of my life. So I closed up shop, on the short-lived fashion Line, and started my selfless journey into the true, Spiritual Unknown.
Feeling better than I've ever felt before, I couldn't identify why? I just left something that seemed to have more finality and outwardly more desirable and materially fulfilling than the life I was about to embark.

Fast forward 3 years later, I am Inspiring and Changing lives of Hundreds to Thousands of people and young millennials from around the world that we're in the same place, mindset, and decision-making process I was in. Helping to Cultivate a generation that Becomes their dreams rather than imagines them. With my Choose Today Planner, I help souls create their Dream Reality 365 days a year. Featured in Readers Digest for removing life's qualifiers. Known as the Beam of light of this generation, toward a brighter future.
Meet The Tribe.
Ashley & Kaila
The SoulTrip Company
Your light shines so bright. You’re literally a breath of fresh air when we come across your content. You remind us to be our brightest selves and loving and kind. Your light also reminds us to stand in and walk in our truth.

Natalie B.
Okay, here I go:
I think you helped me most by just showing me that there are people out in the world who care about me. In very small ways, you’ve showed me that you are willing to go out of your way to express kindness to me. You also show just how easy it is to be kind to one another, which is such an amazing thing to see, especially in a culture that idealizes the IDGAF attitude. You are incredibly influential in that way, and it’s wonderful to see how you invest your kindness in a way that inspires others to invest in the same way.

I remember when I first left my ex and I was absolutely HEARTBROKEN and I felt like there was nothing left for me in this world, I struggled every day. I made a video on Instagram talking about peace and forgiveness in order to move on and you shared so much advice and positivity that really helped guide me to the light. you had such positivity and kind words that it made me happy knowing there were good people out there.

Kelli J.
Travis, you have the power of positivity that makes everything you touch uplift and shine! You made me a happy, honest, and social person.

Kayla G.
I was very shy & very anti-people lol you showed me that just spreading love and positivity it will cycle throughout the world and come right to me! You impacted my creativity side by showing me that I was more than what I thought I was that it was more to life than just running from one job to another! You helped me shift that energy and time that I was putting into those two jobs and put them into myself and growing my business. You were always so genuine , positive & loving & smiling so hard I could see all of your teeth lol and that made me feel good , it made me want to spread that same love across everyone! Everyone that I love or even people that don’t like me or people that might have hurt me you help me spread that love amongst everyone!

Teshia M.
Your light shines so extremely bright and cuts through all facids of this planet with precision! You are a jewel! A true mastermind of happiness and positivity and you exude and radiate blessings from your soul! I am BLESSED to know you as every interaction that I’ve ever had with you has been a true delight! Although I’ve never met you in the physical it hasn’t been necessary because your energy radiates and transcends the balance of distance and time! YOU ARE a magnificent- multi amazing light being and lightworker that has blessed my soul tremendously!-

Noel M.
Your impact was one of grace, you really made me feel comfortable from the literal first second I met you. You also bring a sense of inclusion, and it shined out in rays, almost like your aura. You’re overall a badass, and super positive and humble af but confident all in the same. A good tree if I’ve ever met one, hands down ♥️

Faith S.
Travis! Your light is liberating. It is a reminder to me that I need to let my hair down, to not always be so hard on myself, and to always have fun in all that I do. You helped me to understand the potential in me and that my abilities surpass just the surface level. you are a product of greater manifestations, did I mention your energy is infectious! You manage to light up the whole room with not only your smile but your words of wisdom.

Gale A.
I will always remember when you posted a story on Instagram about focusing on yourself and not worrying about others. I had been having trouble with that because I always worried about other people before myself and you really made me realize I need to take care and fix myself first before I worry about others. You really just have such a beautiful personality and you inspire me to be more confident and hopeful when I forget to be so thank you!!!

Nicole W.
You’re being just illuminated light. You have a magnetic spirit. You make me feel free to be myself + to live out loud.
🖤⚡️ your gratitude is a keystone to how you navigate life + relationships w others which has helped me tremendously